Have Any Questions?

90% of your healthcare needs can be handled by your Better Care physician. This is possible because Better Care physicians have ample time to get know their patients and coordinate their care.

No insurance co-pays, deductibles or co-insurance fees. Instead of being charged for each individual office visit, patients enrolled with Better Care pay a monthly fee for their routine medical care. By using Better Care, insurance is only needed for expensive treatments such as hospitalization or specialty care.

It is recommended that you purchase high deductible wraparound policy to cover hospitalizations and emergencies. If you need help finding coverage, we can recommend someone.

The wellness membership you pay for is not considered in any way a type of insurance. It entitles you to primary care services such as office-based services, telemedicine, home visits and other services. (See your Membership Agreement)

Better Care members are encouraged to be insured by a PPO, major medical plan or Medicare. This allows for provision of services outside the doctor’s office, such as catastrophic events, labs, radiological studies, specialty care and hospitalization. Medicare and other private insurances do not cover the fee.

Better Care physicians have admission privileges at several local hospitals. A patient’s physician may not be the admitting physician in all instances depending on the hospital and the reason for admittance. The Patient’s Better Care physician should be kept up to date about what is happening with the patient. Better Care physicians will visit the patient or make contact once they are notified of an admission. If you have a life-threatening emergency, CALL 911.

Better Care physicians will start the patient out on treatments with samples if available. We will be working with a local pharmacy to get basic prescription drugs to members at no additional cost starting summer 2020. Beyond that you and/or your insurance company would be responsible.

No. Cost is based on how much access you want to your physician.

We would encourage you to check with your HR department at work or with your HSA/FSA carrier directly. Some HAS/FSA accounts will allow you to use those pre-tax dollars to cover the annual fee.

Shorter Wait Times...
For those sick of waiting!
Opening Soon!

At Bettercare, we believe urgent care should live up to its name. Now accepting new Patients!

We treat patients of all ages for:

5409 West Friendly Avenue, Greensboro NC 27410